View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.
1 - 9 of 9 seminars
1) Autonomous Charging: Reduce human-error and time cost with these next gen chargers
Starts 9:00 AM CDT
Ends 9:30 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Delta-Q Technologies Corp.
What’s next in automation? Autonomous equipment is already cleaning floors, stocking warehouse shelves, and steering vehicles on the road. But this is only possible with the human interaction required to charge the equipment. Have you considered the time cost of uncharged equipment as a result of ... |
2) Conquering supply chain complexity in your operations
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Körber Supply Chain US, Inc.
Are you ahead of today’s supply chain challenges? Today, less than 10% are prepared to handle complexities from MORE products, MORE suppliers, MORE distribution channels and RISING consumer expectations. Let’s talk strategy and how top organizations are adapting to today’s demands! |
3) How to Avoid Buyer's Remorse in a Warehouse Management System Selection
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Open Sky Group
If you're looking to replace your current warehouse management system (WMS) or if you don't have one, this session is for you. The search and selection for a WMS can be daunting - there are a lot of providers and it can be hard to dig through what seems to be offered and what you actually get once you ... |
4) Increase the Lifetime of Your Conveyor System While Eliminating Common Problems Leading to Belt Mistracking
Starts 1:30 PM CDT
Ends 2:00 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor VDG (Van der Graaf)
This seminar will present analysis and data showing how to increase belt traction of your conveyor drive, preventing premature lagging and conveyor belt wear. Powering a belt conveyor typically requires the head pulley to be lagged with a rubber surface. This lagged surface experiences uneven belt tension, ... |
5) Make Invisible Waste Visible: Optimize Shipping and Storage Cost with Real-Time 3D Imaging
Starts 9:30 AM CDT
Ends 10:00 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor ThruWave, Inc.
To maximize efficiency and optimize costs, operators need accurate dimensions and physical characteristics of every SKU in their mix, which is difficult to build and maintain in today’s high-throughput, high-mix environments with ever-changing source packaging. This seminar will compare the key sensing ... |
6) RMI of MHI presents: Planning Your Rack System – Traditional and E-Commerce
Starts 1:30 PM CDT
Ends 2:00 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor MHI
As ecommerce becomes the norm in warehousing and distribution, the need to adapt storage and retrieval systems is imminent. RMI industry experts will share how rack system designs are changing to meet the requirements in the ecommerce world. |
7) The Future of Online Order Fulfillment
Starts 9:30 AM CDT
Ends 10:00 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Dematic
Are you breathing life into your supply chain just to survive or is it the strong heartbeat of your business? We’ve all learned to adapt to the challenges of the pandemic, but thriving operations have innovated, automated, and integrated new technology into the ecosystem of their supply chain. In this ... |
8) Tips to Enhance Live Roller Belt Conveyor Productivity and Safety
Starts 9:30 AM CDT
Ends 10:00 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Flexco
Flexco experts will discuss how small changes and the right tools can lead to belt longevity and increased productivity in belt-driven live roller conveyor applications. They will discuss common industry challenges and introduce possible solutions, and also suggest proactive steps a facility can take ... |
9) Warehouse Intelligence: The evolution of Business Intelligence in the world of Logistics
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Mantis Informatics, Inc.
Discover your data analytics life cycle from the raw data to information and finally to knowledge. Make educated decisions based on historical analytics. Diagnose, identify your strengths and weaknesses, describe your story through an abundance of historical analytics, visualizations and KPIs provided ... |
Search found 9 item(s)