View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.
1 - 12 of 12 seminars
1) The Strategy Around Micro-Fulfillment
Starts 9:00 AM CDT
Ends 9:30 AM CDT
Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor AHS, LLC
This presentation will emphasize key points that should be highly considered when developing a strategy around Micro-fulfillment. Micro-fulfilment refers to the idea of placing small-scale warehouse facilities in accessible, urban locations that are close to the consumer. This presentation will specify ... |
2) 5 key strategies to improve your rack safety
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor Damotech, Inc.
If you’re a warehouse manager, knowing what is required to keep your warehouse safe can be a challenge. But being proactive in preventing hazards and potential loss of production time and money is extremely important. Join our racking experts, Charles Carbonneau, Ph.D., our Chief Engineer with over 20 ... |
3) ASRS of MHI presents: Determining what ASRS Solution Is Best For my Application
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor MHI
What information is required to evaluate and select an automated storage & retrieval system (ASRS)? What ASRS solutions are currently available? If you are faced with these questions, this seminar will provide an understanding of the process of selecting the ASRS solution which is most suitable for your ... |
4) Automation, Integration & Energy Systems
Starts 9:00 AM CDT
Ends 9:30 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Jungheinrich
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are becoming more and more industry standard. AGV technology itself is common across numerous suppliers. However, key elements such as the logistics interface for IT integration and the trend toward lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery systems with automatic charging, continue ... |
5) The Business Case for AMRs in Manufacturing
Starts 9:00 AM CDT
Ends 9:30 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor OTTO Motors
In this session, OTTO Motors CEO and Co-Founder, Matthew Rendall and PULSE Integration's Chief of Strategy & Innovation, Matthew Chang, will explore one of the world’s first ‘at scale’ AMR deployments. Using a real-world example of AMR deployment at a F500 company, OTTO Motors and PULSE Integration will ... |
6) Tips to Enhance Live Roller Belt Conveyor Productivity and Safety
Starts 9:30 AM CDT
Ends 10:00 AM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Flexco
Flexco experts will discuss how small changes and the right tools can lead to belt longevity and increased productivity in belt-driven live roller conveyor applications. They will discuss common industry challenges and introduce possible solutions, and also suggest proactive steps a facility can take ... |
7) How to Avoid Buyer's Remorse in a Warehouse Management System Selection
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Open Sky Group
If you're looking to replace your current warehouse management system (WMS) or if you don't have one, this session is for you. The search and selection for a WMS can be daunting - there are a lot of providers and it can be hard to dig through what seems to be offered and what you actually get once you ... |
8) Increase the Lifetime of Your Conveyor System While Eliminating Common Problems Leading to Belt Mistracking
Starts 1:30 PM CDT
Ends 2:00 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor VDG (Van der Graaf)
This seminar will present analysis and data showing how to increase belt traction of your conveyor drive, preventing premature lagging and conveyor belt wear. Powering a belt conveyor typically requires the head pulley to be lagged with a rubber surface. This lagged surface experiences uneven belt tension, ... |
9) Business Case for AMR’s in Manufacturing
Starts 9:30 AM CDT
Ends 10:00 AM CDT
Date Wednesday, April 14
Sponsor PULSE Integration
PULSE Integration’s Chief of Strategy & Innovation, Matthew Chang, and OTTO Motors CEO and Co-Founder, Matthew Rendall, share information about the business case for AMRs vs. forklifts, conveyors, and other modes of material handling at both greenfield and brownfield facilities. This session is focused ... |
10) RMI of MHI presents: Storage Rack Safety 101
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Wednesday, April 14
Sponsor MHI
The safe use of a storage rack system is key to the productivity of a warehouse. We discuss the resources available from the Rack Manufacturers Institute that can be used to design and implement a safe rack system. We discuss the inspections necessary in maintaining a safe rack system. We discuss how ... |
11) Data and Your Supply Chain: How successful distribution teams are using real-time data to maximize efficiencies
Starts 9:30 AM CDT
Ends 10:00 AM CDT
Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor Longbow Advantage
The future of supply chain data is bright. While 2020 may have created unforeseen challenges for many supply chain organizations, it also highlighted the resiliency of teams across the globe and amplified the overwhelming need for continued investment in and optimization of supply chains. The most successful ... |
12) Journey Not A Leap: 5 Principles of Any Successful Distribution Project
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor DLN Integrated Systems, Inc.
The challenge of finding good people poses a real problem for most businesses, and it appears that the situation will continue. Warehousing is expected to provide greater flexibility, react more quickly, the work is physically demanding and can take place in harsh conditions. Hear from an industry veteran ... |
Search found 12 item(s)