View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.

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1 - 3 of 3 seminars

1) The Future of Online Order Fulfillment
Starts 9:30 AM CDT Ends 10:00 AM CDT Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Dematic

Are you breathing life into your supply chain just to survive or is it the strong heartbeat of your business? We’ve all learned to adapt to the challenges of the pandemic, but thriving operations have innovated, automated, and integrated new technology into the ecosystem of their supply chain. In this ...

2) Dirty (DC) Jobs with Michael Roe
Starts 9:00 AM CDT Ends 9:30 AM CDT Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor DMW&H

It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Your distribution model will have to adapt to ongoing business changes. Oftentimes, businesses are faced with two choices: 1. Build a totally new distribution center, OR 2. Retrofit an existing distribution center while staying operational. Successfully ...

3) 5 Considerations in Designing Successful AMR Deployments
Starts 1:00 PM CDT Ends 1:30 PM CDT Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor Vecna Robotics

A solid solution design lays the foundation for the future success of your autonomous mobile robot deployment. When done right, a highly-efficient workflow design takes into account an ecosystem of human workers, a range of robots for a variety of payloads or purposes, other technologies, and the facilities’ ...