View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.
1 - 5 of 5 seminars
1) How a Global 3PL leader drives digital transformation with AMRs
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor Locus Robotics
GEODIS, one of the world’s leading logistics provider, offers end-to-end warehousing, fulfillment and reverse logistics solutions within global B2B and B2C markets. Geodis customers count on them to fill orders on time and accurately, while continuously reducing cycle times and costs. With ecommerce ... |
2) From Data to Action: Analyze, Prepare, Respond
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor Vanderlande Industries, Inc.
2020 has shown how quickly an industry or an economy can change. How businesses react and cope with those changes can be the difference between boom and bust. In this session our material handling experts will discuss how to tackle these challenges through Tactical and Operational Planning (TOP). ... |
3) Handing Over the AMR Keys: Strategies for User Adoption and Unstoppable ROI
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Seegrid
You’ve identified an AMR solution and made your recommendation. After signing on the dotted line, how do you ensure a successful installation of autonomous mobile robots? Adoption by employees on the plant floor is crucial to achieving your corporate initiatives. Hand over the first set of keys with ... |
4) Conquering supply chain complexity in your operations
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor Körber Supply Chain US, Inc.
Are you ahead of today’s supply chain challenges? Today, less than 10% are prepared to handle complexities from MORE products, MORE suppliers, MORE distribution channels and RISING consumer expectations. Let’s talk strategy and how top organizations are adapting to today’s demands! |
5) How to analyze your data to prepare your warehouse for automation
Starts 2:30 PM CDT
Ends 3:00 PM CDT
Date Wednesday, April 14
Sponsor Westfalia Technologies, Inc.
Operating a poorly designed warehouse can be disastrous, and the leading cause of poor design is missing or incorrect data. It is important to understand the types of data that you should collect and analyze to design a warehouse to fit your company's growth plans. Presented by two specialists with over ... |
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