View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.
1 - 3 of 3 seminars
1) 5 key strategies to improve your rack safety
Starts 1:00 PM CDT
Ends 1:30 PM CDT
Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor Damotech, Inc.
If you’re a warehouse manager, knowing what is required to keep your warehouse safe can be a challenge. But being proactive in preventing hazards and potential loss of production time and money is extremely important. Join our racking experts, Charles Carbonneau, Ph.D., our Chief Engineer with over 20 ... |
2) Automating Your Indoor/Outdoor Logistics Flows- The TractEasy
Starts 1:30 PM CDT
Ends 2:00 PM CDT
Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor EasyMile Inc.
Intralogistics processes within factories or logistic centers around the world rely heavily on human manpower to run daily operations up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the era of intensified and worldwide competition, manufacturers and logistics operators face several challenges such as high operational ... |
3) Clean is Changing – How your business can adapt to transform its cleaning regimen
Starts 9:00 AM CDT
Ends 9:30 AM CDT
Date Friday, April 16
Sponsor Nilfisk, Inc.
The pandemic has transformed the nature and role of cleaning. Cleaning still supports core business activities, but its meaning has changed both functionally and psychologically. This new scope raises questions and challenges: What procedures should you implement? What cleaning solutions should you use? ... |
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