View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.
1 - 2 of 2 seminars
1) MHI-SolCo The Latest & Greatest Products & Services @ PromatDX in 25 Minutes
Starts 9:00 AM CDT
Ends 9:30 AM CDT
Date Wednesday, April 14
Sponsor MHI
See the latest and greatest advances presented to you in a short 25 minutes. We will be showing you what the leading organizations are demonstrating and presenting at PromatDX and you will be assured not to miss a thing. We will be reviewing the what, why and where to finding more information on the ... |
2) Automating Your Indoor/Outdoor Logistics Flows- The TractEasy
Starts 1:30 PM CDT
Ends 2:00 PM CDT
Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor EasyMile Inc.
Intralogistics processes within factories or logistic centers around the world rely heavily on human manpower to run daily operations up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the era of intensified and worldwide competition, manufacturers and logistics operators face several challenges such as high operational ... |
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