View a list of ProMatDX on-floor seminars below.

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1 - 7 of 7 seminars

1) High Performing Returns, Order Fulfillment & Sortation Technologies Utilizing AMRs
Starts 9:30 AM CDT Ends 10:00 AM CDT Date Monday, April 12
Sponsor Conveyco Technologies, Inc.

AMRs provide flexibility, scalability, agility, return on investment, no downtime, and more… to all organizations. We will be discussing different models, options, software and general AMR pros and cons. Plus, AMR goods to person, person to goods, AS/RS, floor and table sortation systems. Which system ...

2) Dirty (DC) Jobs with Michael Roe
Starts 9:00 AM CDT Ends 9:30 AM CDT Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor DMW&H

It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Your distribution model will have to adapt to ongoing business changes. Oftentimes, businesses are faced with two choices: 1. Build a totally new distribution center, OR 2. Retrofit an existing distribution center while staying operational. Successfully ...

3) To Automate or Not to Automate
Starts 1:00 PM CDT Ends 1:30 PM CDT Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor enVista

With supply chains in flux and ecommerce orders surging, automation is increasingly being leveraged to reduce labor dependencies while also improving distribution efficiencies, fulfillment timeframes, customer service, cost savings and resilience. However, determining the right application for warehouse ...

4) Warehouse to AWAREhouse — the thinking DC for modern commerce
Starts 9:00 AM CDT Ends 9:30 AM CDT Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor GreyOrange Inc.

The increased choice, convenience and buyer control of modern commerce requires advanced fulfillment science to deliver on promises to the market and margins to the board. More companies are recognizing that a dedicated, intelligent and integrated operating system that spans the end-to-end range of DC ...

5) Automate Differently: Why Software is the Future of Warehouse Automation
Starts 2:30 PM CDT Ends 3:00 PM CDT Date Tuesday, April 13
Sponsor LogistiVIEW

Over the last decade, consumers, led by ubiquitous access to information and a desire for personal expression, have proven difficult to predict. As transportation costs rise, distribution centers decentralize, and margins are pressured by competition, supply chain leaders will need to lean into AI, autonomous ...

6) Plug and Produce Industrial Automation
Starts 9:30 AM CDT Ends 10:00 AM CDT Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor Schneider Electric

The seminar will explain how IEC 61499-based technology for distributed automation can be used to ease the development of complex real-time control applications in logistics, while also enabling a service-oriented mechanism to connect with IT and execute advanced optimization logics based on data analysis ...

7) Efficiently Connecting Plant Logistics and Manufacturing
Starts 1:30 PM CDT Ends 2:00 PM CDT Date Thursday, April 15
Sponsor viastore SYSTEMS Inc.

The more complex or dynamic production becomes, the importance of creating a “Smart Factory” becomes entirely necessary: transparency, responsiveness and data management are key to success. One area of utmost importance to optimizing your “Smart Factory” is the area of material flow and work-in-process management. ...